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Jack Black’s Failed Green Lantern Movie Facts. Wesley Snipes sleepwalked his way through the disappointing Blade Trinity, Thomas Jane brought us a toned- down version of The Punisher, and Halle Berry earned a Razzie for Catwoman.
None are remembered particularly fondly, and yet, as ill- conceived as these efforts were, things could have been worse. Much worse. That same year, Warner Bros.

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DC Comics favourite Green Lantern to the big screen – but they didn’t have Ryan Reynolds in mind for the role back then. At this point, the studio was eager to explore the idea of creating a very different Green Lantern movie with a very different actor in the lead role: Jack Black. Black’s stock was at an all- time high in Hollywood following the success of 2. School of Rock, and the studio evidently thought he could bring something a little different to the role, after seeing super- serious versions of Hulk and Daredevil disappoint. Showtime Full The Wronged Man Online Free. A writer was hired and a script was eventually completed, and while the film never ended up being made, it remains a fascinating chapter in the history of the DC Comics character. Here are 1. 8 Things You Never Knew About Jack Black’s Failed Green Lantern Movie.
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The Script Was Written By The Creator Of Triumph, The Insult Comic Dog. Robert Smigel made his name writing sketches on Saturday Night Live and, later, The Conan O’Brien Show. But he’s probably most famous for creating Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog – a foul- mouthed puppet known for mercilessly mocking celebrities in the style of a Borscht Belt comedian.
In 2. 00. 4, Warner Bros. Smigel to write a script for a Green Lantern comedy movie, specifically with Jack Black in the role of the central protagonist – there was just one problem.“He wasn’t attached at all,” Smigel told Vanity Fair years later. I know him—he’s done a few of my autism benefits—so I asked him if he was interested, and he actually said that he wasn’t.
He wasn’t really interested in doing any type of superhero thing.” Black eventually changed his mind after reading the script. There Was An Immediate Online Backlash Against The Film.
When fans eventually got wind of the project, the response was pretty negative. Most were simply unhappy with the fact that Green Lantern was getting made into a comedy rather than a straight- up action adventure. After all, other comic book characters, like Daredevil, hadn’t had to undergo this kind of shift, so why Green Lantern? The prospect of Black – a divisive presence among audiences at the best of times – in the lead role hardly helped, and it meant the project generated little in the way of buzz from the off. Smigel, to his credit, understood these objections at the time, but was simply doing a job he was paid to do.“I wouldn’t just feel screwed,” he told Vanity Fair. I would also see it as a personal affront that the superhero that I’ve been worshipping is looked at as a joke.” When the first draft of Smigel’s script was eventually leaked online years later, fans felt vindicated in voicing their objections to the plans.
It is only the first draft, though. Green Lantern = Jud Plato, Reality TV star. Rather than take on the mantle of Hal Jordan or any of the other Green Lanterns, Smigel’s script created an all- new ring- bearer in Jud Plato, a gross- out reality television star in the universe of the film.
Jud is a contestant on the extreme eating series, The Dare Diner, and is first introduced to viewers while attempting to consume the head and carcass of a coyote. With reality TV proving particularly popular around the early 2. In the script, Abin Sur’s ring malfunctions and overlooks a legless climber and female missionary in favor of Jud, who is midway through eating the nose and brain of a coyote in a feat that prompts the show’s presenter to declare “This man is incredible!” Later in the script, Jud is shown eating an entire snake from the tail up.
This Green Lantern Was Completely Talentless. One of the central conceits of Smigel’s script was that this Green Lantern didn’t really know how to use the ring properly, prompting a number of unusual constructs which provided numerous comedic opportunities for the writer. Smigel was eager to focus on the fact that Jud was a very ordinary guy, with no discernible talent – hence his reality TV status – which resulted in his goofy approach to saving the day with the Green Lantern’s signature constructs.“What appealed to me about it on a comedic level was that, in order to be a superhero, this requires no physical skill or talent,” he told Vanity Fair. All it requires is owning this ring.
Automatically, that’s a comedic premise.”Interestingly, though Ryan Reynolds’ incarnation of the character was markedly different, some of this goofiness in his approach to creating constructs remained. It’s An Adaptation of An Actual Green Lantern Comic. The script is supposedly a loose adaptation of Emerald Dawn, the Green Lantern miniseries that explored Hal Jordan’s origins as the titular hero and eventually saw him go up against Legion. Though Reynolds’ version of the character was more faithful to the Hal Jordan backstory, chronicling his father’s death and Hal’s own struggles as a pilot, that movie jettisoned the comic’s latter half and villain. Smigel’s script took a different approach entirely, starting out in markedly different territory with Jud’s Green Lantern origins before eventually moving towards a plot and threat more in line with the comics. The script also deviated away from Emerald Dawn in having Sinestro serve as one of the film’s villains, rather than Legion alone.
Interestingly, Reynolds’ version teased a potential sequel with Mark Strong’s Sinestro as the primary antagonist. It Takes A Meta Approach To Superheroes. One of the most unique elements of this adaptation was the decision to base it in a universe where the Green Lantern comics exist alongside all the other major DC and Marvel Comics superheroes. This meant that Jud was able to call on his best friend and comic book enthusiast Seth in learning how to use the Green Lantern’s ring. Seth ends up serving as a stand- in sidekick and guide while Jud gets to grips with his new powers. The setup is also mined for comedy, with Jud regularly quoting other superheroes by mistake – he tries to adopt “With great power comes great responsibility” and “It’s clobberin’ time” as his mottos – while a running joke sees Green Lantern regularly described by other characters as “like the 8th most popular superhero.” When the first draft of Smigel’s script found its way online, these sections garnered the most criticism from fans. Britney Spears and Flavor Flav May Have Cameoed.
Jud’s Green Lantern had a penchant for creating pop culture influenced constructs, especially in the first half of the Smigel script. In one instance, he conjures up a green- tinged version of The Beatles, original line- up complete, to perform a concert for him during his training with the Green Lantern Corps. Jud later magics up several sets of Sharon Stone’s legs from Basic Instinct to fire at Kilowog. Yet arguably the most memorable of these constructs comes when Jud is asked by best pal Seth to conjure up a construct he is “intimately familiar with.” Jud creates a green- tinged Britney Spears, in a short skirt, as part of a scene that could have called for a cameo.