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Dungeon Master's Guide Deities. CREDITS D D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, jeremy Crawford Dungeon Master s Guide Leads: ·Jeremy Crawford, Christopher Perkins, james Wyatt Designers: Robert J Schwalb, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee Editors: Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Michele Carter, Chris Sims, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes Producer: Greg Bilsland Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dan Gelon, jon Schindehette, Mari Kolkowsky, Melissa Rapier, Shauna Narciso Graphic Designers: Emi Tanji, Bree Heiss, Trish Yochum, Barry Craig Cover Illustrator: Tyler jacobson Interior Illustrators: Rob Alexander, ave Allsop, Daren Bader, Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Steven Belledin, Kerem Beyit, Noah Bradley, Aleksi Briclot, Filip Burburan, Milivoj Ceran, Sidharth Chaturvedi, Conceptopolis, j. D, jesper Ejsing, Wayne England, Emily Fiegenschuh, Scott M.
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Fischer, justin Gerard, E. W. Hekaton, jon Hodgson, Ralph Horsley, Tyler Jacobson, Jason )uta, Sam Keiser, Chad King, Vance Kovacs, Oily Lawson, Chuck Lukacs, Howard Lyon, Victoria Maderna, Aaron Miller, Mark Molnar, Terese Nielsen, William O'Connor, Hector Ortiz, Adam Paquette, Claudio Pozas, Steve Prescott, David Rapoza, Rob Rey, Aaron J. Watch Ronaldo Online Mic on this page. Riley, Amir Salehi, Mike Schley, Chris Seaman, Sean Sevestre, llya Shkipin, Carmen Sinek, Craig J Spearing, john Stanko, Alex Stone, Matias Tapia, joel Thomas, Cory Trego- Erdner, Beth Trott, Cyril Van Der Haegen, Raoul Vitale, Tyler Walpole, julian Kok joon Wen, Richard Whitters, Eva Widermann, Mark Winters, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, james Zhang Additional Contributors: Wolfgang Baur, C.
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Dungeon Master's Guide - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free.
M. Cline, Bruce R. Cordell, jesse Decker, Bryan Fagan, james jacobs, Robin D. Laws, Colin Mc. Comb, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Matt Sernett, Lester Smith, Steve Townshend, Chris Tulach, Steve Winter, Chris Youngs Project Management: Neil Shi Production Services: Cynda Ca j ; .~ jefferson Dunlap, David ersn. M ~ ~ - ; ; Brand and Marketing: athan S· ' ~· ·Chris Lindsay, Shelly azza o e. Laura Tommervik, Kim Lunosao. Based on the original D D game created E. Gary Gygax and ave Arneso • with Brian Blume, Rob Kuntz, james ~ar .
Drawing from further development by J Eric Holmes, Tom Moldvay, Frank en: zer, s: :: -Harold johnson, David "Zeb" Cook, Ed Green o • Keith Baker, Tracy Hickman, Margare Weis, Do gas es jeff Grubb, jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip illia s. Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bill Slavicsek, Andy Co ~s and Rob Heinsoo Playtesting provided by over 1. D& D. Thank you Additional feedback provied by Teos Abadia, Robert Alaniz, jason Baxter, Bill Benham, Darron Bowley, David Callander, Mik Calow, Christopher D'Andrea, Brian Danford, Krupa Desai, josh Dillard, Sal. T E. Simpson Jr., Tim Eagon, David Ewalt, Rob Ford, Rober. Ford, Jason Fuller, Pierce Gaithe, Richard Green, Chris op e· Hackler, Adam Hennebeck, Sterling Hershey, Paul Hughes. Gregory L. Harris, Yan Lacharite, Shane Leahy, Ryan Leary.
Tom Lommel, Jonathan Longstaff, Rory Madden, Matt Maranda, Derek Mcintosh, Paul Melamed, Shawn Merwin, Lou Michelli, Mike Mihalas, David Milman, Daren Mitchel Matthew Mosher, David Muller, Kevin Neff, Adam Page, jonProudfoot, Max Reichlin, Karl Resch, Matthew Rolston, jasor Romein, Sam Sherry, Pieter Sleijpen, Robin Stacey, David "Oak" Stark, Adam Strong- Morse, Arthur Wright ON THE COVER Tyler jacobson illustrates the archlich Acererak as he raises an army of undead and prepares to unleash it on an unsuspecting world. A9. 21. 90. 00. 00l EN ISBN: 9. First Printing: December 2.
E Disclaimer: Wizards of he Coast does not officially endorse the following u; c: -·c: s. Jarorue. td to maximize your enjoyment as a Dungeon Master. First, always keep a straight ace and say O no matter how ludicrous or doomed the players plan of action is. Suo . a ra r. a: -~r ... Third, if you re not sure what to do next, feign if/ness, end the session early, and plor yo.~r rt. T1. 0rra: ~fror. P: =~e s and attacks.
DUNGEONS DRAGONS, 0 0, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms. Poyer s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Moster s Guide, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of. Wiza . s : - ~ ~st - ~re SA and other countries.
All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws o: ·- e - . S: z: es or ~erica Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of toe Coa: s: •· - factored by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile- Boechat 3.
The Bribie Islander March 2. Issue 3. 2 by The Bribie Islander. The Bribie Islander March 2. Issue 3. 2 Published on Mar 3, 2. Bribie Island's oldest local community news magazine and with our new MINI Islander distributed 2 weeks later in an A4 glossy magazine, we..